Wilderness Workshop

Any Age

See it…Do it…Teach it…

We at Beyond the Backwoods firmly believe that learning is a lifelong achievement—and nothing teaches you more than real life experiences. Our classes are shaped by an ‘experiential learning’ process through which individuals and small groups get to watch, listen, interact, demonstrate, and even teach new skills to others. In addition, our classes are interactive and open-discussion based. These classes are for anyone and everyone interested!


Day Camp

This is an introductory class on the basics of camping—aka the beginners guide. We take people out for a day hike to teach them the basics of camping and/or backpacking. Topics covered include the essentials to camping checklist, sleeping systems, food choice, cooking systems, shelter and clothing systems, and much more.


First Aid

If you plan on spending extended time in the backwoods, you need to have a fundamental understanding of the inherent risks and be capable of managing medical concerns—or in the rare case, emergencies. We teach first aid basics.

Fire 101

This course is pretty self-explanatory…This is the beginners guide on how-to, when-to, why-to build an effective fire. This course involves several fire techniques that are first demonstrated and then practiced by participants. Topics also include fire safety, best practices, and rules/regulations.


Layer Up

This class delves into the “do’s and don’ts” of clothing choices. Exposure to the elements of nature can lead to bad day…many of us have learned these secrets from years of poor decisions. We can save you some misery with proper education on layering systems.

Backpacker ‘Essentials’

There are a gazillion things to teach and discuss about backpacking…albeit, we cover the essentials. Learn about proper gear must-haves, how to pack, backcountry safety, shelter and sleep systems, food and water lessons. We do live, on-site back dumps with open Q/A as well.


Wildgame Processing

Butchering and processing wild game can be a very intimating task for first-timers. This class teaches individuals how to properly clean and process, while also providing helpful tips on how to store, prepare and cook each species of game.

